Sharing the word in English means "Sharing", but in the world of satellite reception, we talk about CARDSHARING or the "Card Sharing. "This means that it is possible, through this technology, to share with others via the Internet, the cards that open the different bouquets Satellites such as CanalSat, Canal +, Sky italy, BIS TV ... etc. In summary, the CARDSHARING is sharing subscription cards between receptors owners for that technology as the Dreambox, the Samsat etc ... These receivers must be equipped with an emulator to simulate the presence of the card as CCcam or mgcamd ...
The CCcam is a program that allows to transmit the codes between Dreambox or Vu+ and other special receivers. The CCcam is as instant messaging, it makes it possible both to receive and transmit codes to decrypt specific channels.
This EMU is not open Source, it's proprietary.
The OSCAM is a program that allows to transmit the codes between Dreambox or Vu+ and other special receivers. The CCcam is as instant messaging, it makes it possible both to receive and transmit codes to decrypt specific channels.
OSCam means Open Source Conditional Access Modul and is a non-profit community work of many developers, this EMU is Open Source project
The NCAM is a program that allows to transmit the codes between Dreambox or Vu+ and other special receivers. The CCcam is as instant messaging, it makes it possible both to receive and transmit codes to decrypt specific channels.
This EMU is open Source, based on OSCAM code source.
We recommand to use OSCAM, because OSCAM can open SKY DE and other TV packages that MGCAMD and CCCAM can not.
Advantages of OSCAM :
- Good support
- Very stable
- Regular update
- More feautures
- Comptable with all CPU, ARM, MIPS, AM64
Dreambox digital satellite receiver is running on the Linux operating system. This means that an operating system (OS) has embarked on the Dreambox. You should know that free and open Linux operating system for everyone (Open Source) and therefore Dreambox multimedia company, which manufactures the Dreambox, will have served to produce all these models whose Dreambox 500s.
VU+ is a digital satellite receiver running on the Linux operating system. This means that an operating system (OS) has embarked on the Dreambox. You should know that free and open Linux operating system for everyone (Open Source) and therefore the company that makes the MARUSYS VU +.
Enigma is an operating system of STB (Set Top Box) that turns "on" Linux. It was developed by Dream Multimedia DreamBox to run on type of STB.
Enigma Open Source was what made him a reference for all STB running Linux (VU, Golden Media Spark, Samsat, ...)
The choice of the image depends on the tastes and colors but also of how are organized the menus and submenus and some built-in features on some images and not others that will appeal or not, the images we recommend are BLACKHOLE, VTI, OpenATV, OpenPLi